E65S GbW The Next Revolution of Coffee Grinding
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It is the holy grail of coffee grinding: dosing by a pre-set weight. Forget about dosing by a timer or dosing by volume. Where these dosing methods cause fluctuations, as they get affected by the condition of the coffee or the grind size adjustment, Grind-by-Weight delivers exactly the grams you set.
The integrated high-precision load cell underneath the portafilter support enables ground breaking real-time scale controlled dosing, as it monitors the weight during the entire grinding process. The result: consistently accurate doses. Mahlkönig’s pioneering Disc Distance Detection (DDD) adds yet another layer of quality control as it lets you set the degree of fineness based on the actual distance between the burrs.
Serving the guest a great taste experience with every single cup is what driving a coffee shop is all about. The E65S GbW makes it possible by providing the most accurate and consistent doses, ever. Let’s grind by weight – because every gram matters.